30-DAY FREE trial
of Text In Church... the trusted text and email software to help your church connect with more people in your community by making them feel known, noticed, and loved
500 free bonus texts
added to your account every month... forever
(giving you a total of 2,000 text messages you can send each month)
done-for-you templates
for text messages and emails that we'll automatically add to your account that you can customize to fit your unique context
completely risk free + no strings attached
membership where you can cancel anytime (no questions asked) and if you want to keep using Text In Church following your 30 FREE days... you'll just pay $67/month for the Pro Monthly Membership Plan
weekly live calls
with our team's church communication experts to get your account up and running quickly and strategize with you to impact your ministry
our priceless promise
states that we don't have contracts, you can cancel anytime for any reason and we'll stand by our 30-day money-back guarantee